Välkommen till Centrumkyrkan,
Mariannelunds frikyrkoförsamling

About the Church

Centrumkyrkan (Center Church) is one of the churches in Mariannelund, Sweden.  The church cooperates with the Evangelical Free church in Sweden and the Swedish Pentecostal Movement.  All of the worship services and gatherings are open for everyone.   Translation into English is available at most services.

The goal of our church is:   ”That we ourselves and others might grow and mature as disciples of Christ”  Growth requires time and resources and is a process that happens throughout ones life.  Our desire is to  see people in our community learn to know Jesus Christ and to give their lives to Him.  While, at the same time we ourselves grow and mature in our faith.

To be a congregation can be compared to a journey toward a goal.  The Christian faith gives meaning to life.  It is our goal that no individual be left behind on this journey of faith but feel accepted and loved in our fellowship.

We are attempting to build a modern fellowship in which Jesus is in the center.  Two of his commands serve as a guide for us:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)

”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19)

We hope that you will always feel welcome in our fellowship!


Every Sunday we meet at 10:15 and begin the day with prayer.  Then at 11:00 our formal worship service begins.  We believe that it is important to come together every week to worship and praise the Lord, to receive teaching and listen to what God has for us.  Thereby preparing us for the week ahead.

In our worship services Jesus is the focus of worship.  Our desire is to serve him and each other during the service.  Almost every week new people join us in worship.  You also are welcome! Each worship service finishes with a time of fellowship around the coffee table.

House Groups

The life of the church includes small groups in addition to the times of worship together as an entire fellowship.  We believe that fellowship in small groups is important.  The main worship services are times in which we celebrate who God is and what he has done for us.  In the small groups we meet together to pray together, to carry each others burdens, and to grow together as Christians.  It is a time in which relationships are deepened as we grow closer to the Lord.

Therefore our fellowship is divided up into different house groups.  One attends a group in which one feels comfortable and at home with.  The group meets every week or every-other-week.  To meet together in a small group is an excellent way in which to grow as a Christian  Jesus himself used this same model.  He called 12 disciples in which he shared his life,  he taught them, and trained them.  The first Christians continued to follow the same principle, of meeting in small groups in homes.

Our house groups are open for all that are interested.  You do not need to be a member of the church to be included in a house group.  Although we often see that it is a step into membership in our church.  If you would like more information about a home group please call.